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Complications and effects of menopause

Osteoporosis: Bone density changes, causing an increased risk of fractures as a result of hormonal changes. This process leading to osteoporosis often occurs silently; A woman only realizes this when she suffers a painful fracture.

There are many measures that reduce the risk of osteoporosis, such as lifestyle changes, including stopping smoking, limiting alcohol intake, exercising regularly, and starting a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. If the woman does not eat enough, supplementation can be started. Of which.

What if a woman suffers from osteoporosis?

The diet is not sufficient alone, and she must take medications after consulting her specialist doctor, including bisphosphonates (Bisphosphonate Therapy) Which will be mentioned later. Cardiovascular diseases: The risk of developing these diseases increases with a decrease in the level of estrogen, and the rates of cardiovascular diseases in postmenopausal women are two to three times compared to women of the same age who have not reached menopause.. Hormonal levels drop

This stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete follicle-stimulating hormone

(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) , which works on the maturity Craw.

NB: The follicle or follicle is a fluid-filled sac in the ovary that contains the egg inside.

After that, the follicle secretes the estrogen hormone to prepare the uterus for pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . than .

On the 12th to 14th day of the menstrual cycle

Increased levels of estrogen lead to a sharp rise in the secretion of luteinizing hormone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Luteinizing hormone from the pituitary gland, which leads to the rupture of the follicle and the release of an egg (ovulation).

NB: The corpus luteum is a torn crop.

After that, the corpus luteum secretes the hormones estrogen and progesterone; To monitor the preparation of the uterus for pregnancy .

On the 28th day of the menstrual cycle

If the egg is not fertilized, estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and endometrial tissue sheds; Menstruation occurs.

premenstrual syndrome

There is - so far - no clear reason why some women develop premenstrual syndrome and not others.

However, the onset of symptoms is closely related to premenstrual hormonal disorders; The levels of estrogen, serotonin, and progesterone change .

Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

Symptoms, in general, vary between women. You may have one or all of these symptoms, and your symptoms may change throughout life..

physical symptoms

  • Breast swelling and tenderness when touched.

  • Constipation or diarrhea.

  • Abdominal bloating and pain.

  • Muscle spasm.

  • a headache.

  • The appearance of acne.

  • Back pain.

Intolerance to noise or light Vitamins and minerals help reduce the effects of premenstrual hormonal disorders


Some studies suggest that calcium can help reduce some PMS symptoms, such as tiredness, fatigue and depression.

Calcium is found in many foods, such as: milk, cheese and yogurt.

Vitamin ( b 6)

Vitamin B6 may help reduce symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, forgetfulness, flatulence, and anxiety..

It can be found in some foods, such as: fish, poultry, potatoes, and fruits (except citrus)..

Tips to reduce the effects of hormonal disorders before menstruation

You have to do some exercise regularly

Aerobic exercise and walking or running can help reduce symptoms of depression, lack of focus, and fatigue.

Make healthy foods your permanent choice

Avoiding foods and drinks that contain caffeine, salt, and sugar in the two weeks leading up to your period may reduce many symptoms.

Get enough sleep

Try not to sleep less than eight hours each night; Lack of sleep causes depression and anxiety, and it can also make PMS symptoms worse — especially mood swings.-.

Find healthy ways to beat stress

You can choose between talking to your friends, writing your feelings down on paper, practicing yoga, or trying meditation sessions جلسات. The reasons for the occurrence of premenstrual symptoms are still not clear, but it is believed that hormonal disorders associated with the menstrual cycle are the main cause of these symptoms, which are related to anxiety such as nervousness and mood swings, which are attributed to an imbalance in the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone . This imbalance may lead to a change in the concentration of brain chemicals, which in turn affects mood and behavior, and a low level of the hormone serotonin has been linked to depression..

Also, a change in a group of hormones that regulate body fluids and salts is accompanied by water retention in the body and a feeling of bloating..

One of the factors that contribute to the occurrence of premenstrual symptoms is the consumption of foods and drinks that contain large amounts of salt, sugar, and caffeine . All of these symptoms are considered normal, and differ from one girl to another. Some may feel them periodically and others do not feel them at all.. Like lower back pain before menstruation is a symptom of premenstrual syndrome, other symptoms include stress or anxiety, depression, crying spells, mood swings, insomnia, poor concentration, headache, fatigue, weight gain, flatulence, breast pain, and cramping in the abdomen or lower back. These contractions, which occur in the uterus, put pressure on nearby blood vessels, reducing the oxygen supply to the uterus, and the lack of oxygen is one of the causes of lower back pain before menstruation..

You should also rest when needed. Avoid foods that contain caffeine and salt. Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages. Massage of the lower back and abdomen. Make exercise a part of your lifestyle to reduce menstrual pain and lower back pain before menstruation.

T menstrual period a source of pain for many women, and many of them feel unwell and permanent desire to sleep, as a result of hormonal and physiological changes that occur to the woman 's body during this period. Low back pain is one of the most common symptoms accompanying the menstrual cycle among women, and it is caused by uterine contractions, which spread through a network of nerves to the pelvic area, and as these contractions try to move outside the lining of the uterus, they press on the blood vessels in this area, causing Cut off the oxygen supply to nearby muscles العضلات. Says Dr. Homan Danesh director of the pain Department of Integrative Hospital " Mount Sinai " in New York , told the Huffington Post US : " suffer many women from the bottom of the back pain during the menstrual cycle, and the pain caused by contractions of the uterus to get rid of the lining that has accumulated during the last menstrual cycle". This phenomenon is referred to as “ reference pain ”, which is the pain in which the patient feels somewhere in the body, different from the original source. until noon.

  • Back pain increases during the menstrual cycle due to the psychological state of the woman .

  • It increases due to constipation as well as exposure to cold and eating some foods that cause colic and bloating .

  • Noting that there are cases in which vomiting and nausea occur during and before the onset of menstruation .

  • Girls also suffer from back pain when ovulating and it is simple and you may not notice it .

  • Osteoporosis

In the first two years of menopause, a significant decrease in bone density occurs . It is important to have a bone density test at the age of 40 , and at the beginning of menopause for comparison and treatment .

  • A feeling of joint pain

A large group of women complain of joint pain . Especially women who suffer from excess weight, and who suffer from depression .

. There are several reasons that can cause menopause symptoms in women, and these reasons include the following: At the age of approximately 45, the ovaries become unable to produce estrogen, and the ovaries become unable to produce eggs, in addition to this, an immune defect can occur that causes attack Immune system for ovarian function, which reduces the role of the ovary in the production of estrogen. Infection with ovarian cancer, can occur in this case resection of the ovary. Primary ovarian insufficiency. Exposure to chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer, such as breast cancer, and the incidence of these tumors leads to suppression of the ovary. Performing a hysterectomy . Read more on the Everyday Medical Information website: 84%D8%A3%D8%B3/

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