Disneyland Resort: A Pictorial Souvenir Books Pdf File
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Disneyland Resort: A Pictorial Souvenir Books Pdf File
The penny book pictured to the right, is the first collector penny book offered at Hong Kong Disneyland. It does not feature a pressed coin in the cover as do some other souvenir pressed penny books. However, we know some collectors enjoy collecting them all. As you can see, the graphics are in English on the four-fold wallet style penny book. Inside the book, four separated panels hold six coins each for a total capacity of 24 Magical Coins.
JC Shannon, definitely the golden age. While Disneyland was the best theme park in the 1970's I do believe the 1960's was Disneyland's golden age. That's just my opinion of course.Thanks for sharing this wonderful pictorial souvenir, JG. It's the best one they ever did in my opinion. 1e1e36bf2d