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How to Verify Email Addresses with Maxprog eMail Verifier

How to Verify Email Addresses with Maxprog eMail Verifier

If you have a large list of email addresses and you want to check their validity, you may need a tool like Maxprog eMail Verifier. This is a powerful application that can verify the validity of email addresses in batch mode and create rules with custom settings to maintain your customer list. In this article, we will show you how to use Maxprog eMail Verifier to verify email addresses and avoid sending messages to invalid or non-existent recipients.

What is Maxprog eMail Verifier?

Maxprog eMail Verifier is a software that works on the same algorithm as ISP mail systems do. It can verify single email addresses or huge lists of them. It does not send any message to the email addresses, but it disconnects as soon as the mail server informs the program whether the address exists or not. Email addresses are verified individually using a set of 80 built-in rules. The program also supports Enhanced Mail System Status Codes and reports detailed information about each test, including DNS lookup. Maxprog eMail Verifier is multithreaded, providing high speed verifying. It also has a customizable export function that allows you to save the original data or the test results.

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How to Use Maxprog eMail Verifier?

To use Maxprog eMail Verifier, you need to follow these steps:

  • Download and install Maxprog eMail Verifier from here. You can use the crack provided by SadeemPC to activate the full version of the software.

  • Launch the program and click on the "Open" button to load your list of email addresses. You can also add one email address at a time by clicking on the "Add" button.

  • Click on the "Verify" button to start the verification process. The program will display the results in the main window, showing the status of each email address (valid, invalid, unknown, etc.). You can also see the details of each test by clicking on the "Log" button.

  • Click on the "Export" button to save your verified list of email addresses. You can choose to export only valid email addresses, only invalid email addresses, or all email addresses with their status. You can also select the format of the exported file (text, CSV, HTML, etc.).

That's it! You have successfully verified your email addresses with Maxprog eMail Verifier. You can now use your verified list for your marketing campaigns or other purposes.


Maxprog eMail Verifier is a useful tool for anyone who needs to check the validity of email addresses in bulk. It can help you avoid sending messages to invalid or non-existent recipients, which can save you time, money, and reputation. It is easy to use and fast to verify. However, you should be aware that no email verifier can guarantee 100% accuracy, as some mail servers may not respond or may give false information. Therefore, you should always test your email campaigns before sending them to your entire list. 29c81ba772


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